Results of research conducted by the Independent researcher Hadi Subroto Bachelor of North Sumatra University engineering graduates has revealed a new theory that has not been revealed by any expert. The theory is about News revealed virulence eruption of Mount Krakatoa in 1883 that he found after he did Krakatoa eruption Impact Research for 2 years around the Sunda Strait. Research the researchers did at first only to uncover areas affected by the Tsunami highest coastal region of Java and Sumatera when the eruption occurred.
In conducting the research , the scientific steps that he applied the same as that of many other researchers . The first step that he did was to collect data about the 1883 Krakatoa explosion events . Some
important sources referenced this research is the record Verbeck (
1885) a geologist who has conducted research and surveys immediately
after the incident Krakatoa explosion , records Beijerink Johanna ( wife
Controlling the Dutch in the area around the foot of Mount Rajabasa
than in Sumatra ) which is a living witness events
at that time , the record Johan Lindeman ( Loudon boat captain ) who
was the only survivor at the time of the incident the vessel and other
records that are not apocryphal . In
addition to collecting literature data , the researchers also looked at
the results of simulation studies of Krakatoa explosion of various
versions of which have been published .
Study based on this literature , the researchers draw some initial conclusions are used as initial clues Research . Important clues 1883 Krakatoa explosion events include:
Study based on this literature , the researchers draw some initial conclusions are used as initial clues Research . Important clues 1883 Krakatoa explosion events include:
- From the series of explosions which occurred on 26 and 27 August 1883, the Big Bang happened on Monday at 10 20 pm on December 27 -8-1883. In the event that this mountain is Mount Krakatau in the Sunda sea which has three volcanic peak (Rakata, Danan, perboatan) experienced a massive explosion that ripped up the third peak of creating an underwater crater / caldera diameter 7 km dissipating around 18-21 billion cubic piroclastik material. Volume was enough to hoard as much as deep as 50 meters sea with an area of 10 km x 40 km
- Instead of the region located around the foot of Mount Rajabasa, Johanna Beijerink locations along approximately 3000 refugees a distance of about 40 km from Krakatoa was still experiencing exposure piroclastik Krakatau pumice dust. In this incident around 1000 people were killed and buried by pumice dust.
- 1883 Krakatoa explosion is catastrophic explosion Lateral direction to the north (towards the vicinity of Mount Rajabasa in Sumatra).
- Pyroclastic flows also hit the northern island of Krakatoa Sebesi with a distance of about 15 km . Sebesi Island , a former volcano with a summit elevation of approximately 500 meters above sea level buried by pyroclastic Krakatau to cover the top of the island ( note lindeman Loudon ship captain who retraced the scene the day after the incident eruption ) .
- Scattering about 18-21 billion cubic Krakatoa created two pieces of volcanic rock pile Island is located between the island of Krakatoa and Krakatau Sebesi . These deposits are heaps of Krakatoa island gradually lost eroded sea water for several years after the incident.
a photograph guide google earth satellite imaging and GPS, the researchers conducted
the survey directly to localized areas kepayang Hill. This survey is intended to
obtain forensic evidence the existence of tsunami inundation around the top of
the hill to look for the distribution of rock sea when the tsunami carried on events
or to find other marine objects that might still be around. In addition to
finding the existence of sea coral, the researchers were very surprised after observing
satellite imaging photos around kepayang hilltop. For researchers, the
appearance of earth imagery pattern as shown in Fig.1 is not the usual appearance
of the earth's surface.
Fig.1. google earth satellite photo imaging
research location.
Once analyzed, the appearance of the satellite is making a story; has occurred
concerning the existence Ships at Kepayang hilltop an altitude of 155 meters above sea
level, then it moved down the hill slope
which has a slope of 20 degrees as far as
about 150 meters on the hillside on the an
altitude of 125 meters above
sea level. Not only there, the ship experienced a landslide
second time in as
far as 150 meters to the base of the hill. In
this last position, the shadow pattern shaped
like the hull of a ship is on the mound along
stretches 200 meters
from north to south. The peak of the mound where the shadow patterns are buried
ship was 95
meters altitude above
the sea level.
Of course this fact satellite photograph is not strong enough to indicate that there was indeed a ship buried under mounds of landslides. To strengthen the hypothesis, researchers are looking for scientific facts to corroborate the allegation other. First; researchers conducted a series of experiments with a model experiment to make a miniature Mount kepayang of sand compacted material and make miniature wooden hull of a ship. Researchers tested the landslide movement simulation ship when down the slope. of these trials, it turns out the pattern formed by the landslide movement between visual test results and the pattern seen in the satellite photograph the results are very similar. Second, researchers tried to calculate the depth of the landslide that covered heap objects suspected ship. After predicting the shape of the hill slope landslides kepayang before and after the occurrence of landslides, the depth of the excavation pit to be dug to prove the existence of Ships under the embankment landslide is approximately 30 meters.
Of course this fact satellite photograph is not strong enough to indicate that there was indeed a ship buried under mounds of landslides. To strengthen the hypothesis, researchers are looking for scientific facts to corroborate the allegation other. First; researchers conducted a series of experiments with a model experiment to make a miniature Mount kepayang of sand compacted material and make miniature wooden hull of a ship. Researchers tested the landslide movement simulation ship when down the slope. of these trials, it turns out the pattern formed by the landslide movement between visual test results and the pattern seen in the satellite photograph the results are very similar. Second, researchers tried to calculate the depth of the landslide that covered heap objects suspected ship. After predicting the shape of the hill slope landslides kepayang before and after the occurrence of landslides, the depth of the excavation pit to be dug to prove the existence of Ships under the embankment landslide is approximately 30 meters.
After completing a few other supporting
scientific fact , researchers try to do it manually extracting from the top of
the mound with the avalanche method of well construction excavation with stone
sculpting tools . The excavation process goes up to take a year and a half
length . The facts found during the dig Researchers layer upon layer Avalanche
Dumps find some things that are astonishing researcher . At a depth of 20-25
meters depth of excavation , researchers found a layer of fine pumice dust that
has been solidified . Fine pumice dust was concluded by the researchers as hot
pumice dust similar to the dust that hit the village of Than experienced by
Johanna Beijerink 130 years ago when Krakatoa erupted . At a depth of 25-30
meters researchers get andesite boulders that charred condition and the
condition is very under-estimated Researcher . Excavation work was continued
until it reaches a depth of 32 meters . At a depth of 32 meters , excavation
can no longer be continued due to chisel the stone used to break the stone was
not longer able to penetrate the thick steel plate bottom of the hole
excavation . This hardened steel plate in the vessel wall might expect as
Ancient as has been predicted by researchers .
these facts, the authors draw a new conclusion about the process that led to the
Ancient Ship kepayang Hill. The conclusion is:
"That the region of Bukit Kepayang is not only exposed to sea water devastating tsunami, and not only buffeted by waves of pyroclastic pumice dust spread over the surface of the sea like a natural in the village Instead, however More than that, the fact of the charred andesite hoarders layer ship in large numbers, this indicates that the Ancient ship weighing thousands of tons is actually lifted to the top of the hill because of the encouragement Kepayang millions of cubic dense pyroclastic material (andesite chunks of hot rock at the bottom and fine pumice dust on the top). process of lifting this ancient vessel described in Fig.2
Fig.2 the 1883 Krakatoa explosion incident.
Other supporting facts of this
event is the
discovery of andesite boulders arranged in
the southern part of the hill kepayang
which is the opposite side of the mountain to Krakatoa.
A large chunk of which
is composed of andesite is likely due to a
layer of lightweight pumice
dust has been swept and rain eroded,
while the burning of black andesite stone remains on the hillside Southern Hills kepayang.
If this event does occur,
it is almost certainly climbed the solid
flow from Krakatoa
to the location of the Ocean Hill kepayang causes
its path DRY /
fig.3 ship in a landslide pile and layer hoarders
These findings also answer Tsunami Causes
theory very High in the Sunda Strait when the explosion of Krakatoa in 1883. The
occurrence of very high waves up to about 40 meters is not caused by the
collapse of the eruption of Krakatoa volcanic material in large quantities,
causing the displacement volume of sea water, and is not due contacts piroclastik
dust in large quantities with sea water as a theory that has been put forward
by the experts. Mega Tsunami 1883 Krakatoa explosion was caused by cleavage of the
oceans due to encouragement 18-21 billion cubic pyroclastic material that causes
the cleavage of the ocean as far as 40 kilometers from Mount Krakatoa in Sumatra
to Bukit Kepayang.
conclusions can be drawn from
this research study are:
1. Disaster is a cycle explosion of Krakatoa volcano in the middle of the ocean is always catastrophic explosion. This occurs since ancient Krakatoa explosion and the explosion of Krakatoa in 1883. Effect caused by the Krakatoa explosion would pose any tsunami waves are very high due to the encouragement of its pyroclastic material will divide the sea.
2. The potential of Anak Krakatoa explosion is something that is very important to be prepared and alert the entire population of Earth. Mount Anak Krakatau is a mountain that is born from the same magma mountain Ancient Krakatoa and Krakatoa exploded in 1883.
3. Regarding When and how the pattern of the explosion will be caused by Anak Krakatau, there is no definitive theory. But only the readiness we have to learn and understand the secret of the power of God.
1. Disaster is a cycle explosion of Krakatoa volcano in the middle of the ocean is always catastrophic explosion. This occurs since ancient Krakatoa explosion and the explosion of Krakatoa in 1883. Effect caused by the Krakatoa explosion would pose any tsunami waves are very high due to the encouragement of its pyroclastic material will divide the sea.
2. The potential of Anak Krakatoa explosion is something that is very important to be prepared and alert the entire population of Earth. Mount Anak Krakatau is a mountain that is born from the same magma mountain Ancient Krakatoa and Krakatoa exploded in 1883.
3. Regarding When and how the pattern of the explosion will be caused by Anak Krakatau, there is no definitive theory. But only the readiness we have to learn and understand the secret of the power of God.